Australia is still the driest inhabited continent on earth, and still the traditional lands of its original inhabitants the First Peoples for thousands of generations, because of their knowledge of water in the landscape. This reliance on surface water and groundwater, has been the case for generations primarily to ensure their survival in a dry landscape using traditional knowledge to find, re-find and protect water, this is a high priority as it is a cultural obligation to do so. The ongoing challenge ahead for Australia’s First Peoples is to keep up with the ever changing cycle of water politics which may include changes in government or departmental leadership, changes in government names, new policy and legislation, new terminology, environmental water allocations, legislation “fixes” and increases and/or decreases in sustainable diversion limits. To maintain relevance First Peoples must have the opportunity to identify their water dependent cultural values and fit them into water policies and planning to ensure their value and relationship with water are heard and not diminished.