Oral Presentation Australian Society for Limnology Conference 2017

Victorian environmental water monitoring and assessment in a policy and management context (#91)

Jacqui Brooks 1 , Laura Caffrey 1
  1. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, East Melbourne, VICTORIA, Australia

The development and implementation of environmental watering programs in Victoria is a collaborative process between state and commonwealth government agencies, land managers and water authorities. Understanding how to maximise the benefits of environmental watering requires the support of robust ecological data, and underpins the evidence-based decision-making processes used in policy development and environmental water management. Monitoring ecological responses to environmental water is required to evaluate whether management objectives are achieved and to inform ongoing improvement to the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental water planning and delivery within an adaptive management framework. The Victorian Government funds two state-wide environmental water monitoring programs, the Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP) for rivers, and the Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program (WetMAP). These monitoring programs are based on the latest scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of ecological responses to managed water regimes and inform the development and adaptation of Victoria’s Seasonal Watering Plans and Environmental Water Management Plans. VEFMAP and WetMAP also play a key role in communicating the value of environmental water to a broad range of stakeholders, including the Minister for Water and the Victorian community. This presentation will outline the framework of Victoria’s environmental water monitoring and assessment programs in a policy and management context.